Thank you Dr. Greenwood. When Trump was elected, I became deeply curious about what would cause him to behave the way he does. I read most of the books you reference here and a few others about psychopathy and its role in history. Your article is a fantastic encapsulation of the nature and danger of having a psychopath as President. I’m consistently frustrated by media and politicians who continue to treat him as a normal person whose views and approach they disagree with.
I have a few questions if you wouldn’t mind:
- There is a lot of discussion about Trump suffering from some form of dementia-like condition (ie cognitive decline). Do you believe there is meaningful evidence of this and if so, does this suggest any particular changes to future behavior — will he become more or less dangerous?
- There is also a lot of speculation about drug abuse. Do you see evidence of this (such as his recent “challenge” to Joe Biden to take a drug test)?
- Can you help explain why Trump projects so often? Is it common among psychopaths or does it imply an intuitive sense of guilt/remorse? Why is it so effective.
- Any other good books/authors/papers to help a layperson like me continue to learn about psychopathy?
Thanks again. I appreciate the risk to reputation and/or career that publishing this represents.